The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

Alexey Pugachev

Инициатор – генеральный директор культурного Фонда отечественного искусства «Классика XXI», генеральный продюсер Фестиваля

Alexey Pugachev was born in 2002. He spent his childhood and youth in the village of Burakovsky in the Korenovsky district of the Krasnodar region.

He graduated from the MBU DO "Children's Art School" of Korenovsk city named after People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, Professor Viktor Zakharchenko with a degree in “piano” and “saxophone”.

Graduated from the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution Krasnodar College of Music named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, specializing in Choral Conducting (class of Honored Artist of Kuban, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Tatiana Maltseva).

С 2021 года — студент факультета хорового и симфонического дирижирования ФГБОУ ВО «Московская государственная консерватория имени П.И. Чайковского» (класс профессора, Заслуженного артиста РСФСР, Заслуженного деятеля искусств РФ Станислава Калинина).

Soloist of the famous Combined Children's Choir of Russia under the direction of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Gergiev (State Kremlin Palace, Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the First Day of Russia in Crimea, International Children's Center "Artek").

Победитель Российской национальной премии «Студент года» в номинации 

«Творческая личность года» (2020).

Laureate of the IV All-Russian Competition of Academic Choir Conductors (1st prize).

Laureate of the XXI Youth Delphic Games of Russia (2022).

Twice recipient of awards from the Administration of Krasnodar Krai (2020, 2021).

Трижды лауреат стипендии Министерства образования, науки и молодежной политики Краснодарского края (2019 — 2021).

Recipient of the prize from the Union of Culture Workers of Krasnodar Krai (2019).

Recipient of the diploma from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 2022 - expert of the Council on Culture of the Youth Parliament at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

General Director, President of the Cultural Foundation of Domestic Art "Classics XXI".

Alexey Pugachev

Инициатор – генеральный директор культурного Фонда отечественного искусства «Классика XXI», генеральный продюсер Фестиваля

Alexey Pugachev was born in 2002. He spent his childhood and youth in the village of Burakovsky in the Korenovsky district of the Krasnodar region.

He graduated from the MBU DO "Children's Art School" of Korenovsk city named after People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, Professor Viktor Zakharchenko with a degree in “piano” and “saxophone”.

Graduated from the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution Krasnodar College of Music named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, specializing in Choral Conducting (class of Honored Artist of Kuban, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Tatiana Maltseva).

С 2021 года — студент факультета хорового и симфонического дирижирования ФГБОУ ВО «Московская государственная консерватория имени П.И. Чайковского» (класс профессора, Заслуженного артиста РСФСР, Заслуженного деятеля искусств РФ Станислава Калинина).

Soloist of the famous Combined Children's Choir of Russia under the direction of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Gergiev (State Kremlin Palace, Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the First Day of Russia in Crimea, International Children's Center "Artek").

Победитель Российской национальной премии «Студент года» в номинации 

«Творческая личность года» (2020).

Laureate of the IV All-Russian Competition of Academic Choir Conductors (1st prize).

Laureate of the XXI Youth Delphic Games of Russia (2022).

Twice recipient of awards from the Administration of Krasnodar Krai (2020, 2021).

Трижды лауреат стипендии Министерства образования, науки и молодежной политики Краснодарского края (2019 — 2021).

Recipient of the prize from the Union of Culture Workers of Krasnodar Krai (2019).

Recipient of the diploma from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 2022 - expert of the Council on Culture of the Youth Parliament at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

General Director, President of the Cultural Foundation of Domestic Art "Classics XXI".

+7 (916) 289-79-05
+7 (918) 458-09-61
Аккредитация СМИ

Связь с нами


Liu Mei


choirmaster, artistic director and chief conductor of the Shenzhen «Golden Bell» Youth Choir, Director of the Chinese Branch of the World Association of Youth and Children's Choirs, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Children's Choirs of China, Vice President of the Guangdong Province Choirs Association, Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Choral Association, winner of the national Award of China "Best Teacher"

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