The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

Cultural Foundation of Russian Art "Classics of the XXI century"

The most important tasks of the Foundation are to support and develop classical art in the regions of the Russian Federation, to identify and promote young musicians in the field of academic music.

In two years of creative activity, the Foundation has organized three large-scale All-Russian projects.

In 2022, with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the All-Russian Music Festival "In the Name of Life" was held, dedicated to the work of People's Artist of the USSR Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova, in 2023 - the All-Russian charity project "They are Fighting for the Motherland", aimed at supporting participants in a special military operation.

In the same year, the Open All-Russian Music Festival "Russian Culture: Sergei Rachmaninoff" was held, in accordance with the Decree "On the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of S.V. Rachmaninoff".

The main direction of the Foundation's work is the implementation of educational programs for young musicians aged 12-35 years, accompanied by outstanding teachers and masters of the performing arts.


More than 4,500 young musicians from 74 Russian regions and six countries – China, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkmenistan - took part in the qualifying stage of the festival's educational program in two years.


Since 2023, the Foundation has been implementing the author's program "Mentoring". In order to ensure professional growth and track individual results, the brightest participants of the past Festivals were invited without competitive selection.

Government telegrams and welcome addresses to the organizers and participants of the projects were sent by Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vasilyevich Ustinov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Elena Alexandrovna Yampolskaya, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Culture, Alexander Sergeevich Alimov, Director of the Department for Multilateral Humanitarian Cooperation and Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Nina Alexandrovna Ostanina, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Family Protection, Paternity, Motherhood and Childhood, Alexander Sergeevich Sokolov, Rector of the Moscow State Conservatory, Alexander Sergeevich Ryzhinsky, Rector of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

Alexey Pugachev

General Director, President of the Cultural Foundation of Domestic Art “Classic XXI”, Artistic Director – Director, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the First International Competition of Choral Conductors named after Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov


Liu Mei


choirmaster, artistic director and chief conductor of the Shenzhen «Golden Bell» Youth Choir, Director of the Chinese Branch of the World Association of Youth and Children's Choirs, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Children's Choirs of China, Vice President of the Guangdong Province Choirs Association, Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Choral Association, winner of the national Award of China "Best Teacher"

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