The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

The first International Competition
of Choral Conductors named after
Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

Первый Международный конкурс хоровых дирижёров имени Александра Васильевича Свешникова

Первый Международный конкурс хоровых дирижёров имени Александра Васильевича Свешникова

Conditions and procedure
of participation in the International Competition of Choral Conductors
named after Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov

1. General regulations

1.1. The full official name of the competition is the First International Competition of Choral Conductors named after Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov (hereinafter - the "International Competition").

1.2. The founder and Organizer of the International Competition is the Cultural Foundation of Russian Art "Classics XXI" (hereinafter – the Foundation).

1.3. Dates of the International Competition: 1 June – 27 November, 2024 (correspondence stage – from June 1 to October 20; intramural stages - from November 23 to November 27).

1.4. Young choirmaster conductors from all countries can take part in the International Competition.

1.5. The venue of the International Competition: The Russian Federation, Sochi city.

1.6. The working languages of the International Competition are Russian and English.

2.1. The International Competition may be attended by:

2.1.1. Category "I" – students of secondary specialized educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the contestant) enrolled in secondary vocational education programs in the specialty "Choral conducting";

2.1.2. Category "II" – students of higher educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the contestant). Education levels – bachelor's degree, specialty, master's degree, internship); choral conductors are graduates of higher educational institutions under the age of 30 years inclusive.

2.2. The International competition consists of four rounds. The first round is by correspondence, conducted by video recordings; the second and subsequent rounds are in–person, conducted in public.

2.2.1. In the first round (according to video recordings), each contestant presents the conducting of two works for the unaccompanied choir.

2.2.2. The second round is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the contestant performs a choral score on the piano, selected by him from the proposed list and previously prepared. In the second stage of the tour, the contestant conducts an open rehearsal of one piece for an unaccompanied choir, selected by him from the proposed list based on the results of the draw. The public rehearsal of each contestant in the second round lasts no more than 15 minutes.

2.2.3. In the third round, the contestant conducts an open rehearsal of one piece for an unaccompanied choir, selected by him from the proposed list based on the results of the draw. The public rehearsal of the contestants of category "I" in the third round lasts up to 15 minutes, category "II" - up to 20 minutes.

2.2.4. In the fourth round, the contestant performs a composition with the team, on which he conducted an open rehearsal in the third round. The fourth round takes place in the concert hall in the presence of the audience.

2.3. Candidates who have submitted a complete set of documents are allowed to participate in the Competition.

2.4. No more than 36 contestants who received the highest scores based on the results of the first (correspondence) round are allowed to participate in the second round. No more than 16 contestants who received the highest score according to the results of the second round are allowed to participate in the third round. No more than 10 contestants who received the highest score according to the results of the third round are allowed to participate in the fourth round.

2.4. By unanimous decision of the Jury, agreed with the Organizing Committee, the number of participants in each round may be increased.

3.1. The order of performances in all rounds is determined by the results of the first draw and remains unchanged, with the omission of the serial numbers of the eliminated participants, until the end of the International Competition.

3.2. Participants of the first round who did not pass to the second round are awarded with certificates of the International Competition.

3.3. The competition Directorate invites participants who passed the second round to participate in face-to-face rounds by an official letter.

3.4. Participants who did not pass to the second round are notified by the competition directorate by an official letter of the completion of participation in the competition.

3.5. The participants of the second round who did not pass the third round are awarded with diplomas of the International Competition.

3.6. Participants of the third round who did not pass the fourth round are awarded with diplomas of the International Competition and the title of "Diploma Holder of the International Competition II, III degree".

3.7. The competition Directorate ensures the work of academic choirs for all participants of the competition in all intramural rounds.

3.8. The results of the auditions of the contestants' performances with a rating score are announced at the end of each round by a representative of the organizing committee.

3.9. At the end of the International Competition, an award ceremony and a Gala Concert (hereinafter referred to as the "Gala Concert") are held. The time and place of the Gala Concert are set by the Organizing Committee and published on the official website of the Foundation in the section "International Competition of Choral Conductors named after A.V. Sveshnikov" and in the official community of the social network VKontakte.

4.1.     The application for participation in the International Competition (hereinafter - the application) shall be submitted by the candidate (hereinafter - the candidate) from June 1 to October 25, 2024 for foreign participants, from June 1 to October 25, 2024 for Russian participants in the “Application” section on the official website of the Competition www.музыкальныйфестиваль-россия.рф (hereinafter - the official website). The application must be completed in Russian or English in the form provided on the official website. Translated with (free version)

The following documents and materials are attached to the application:

4.1.1. a copy of the identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation — for citizens of the Russian Federation, passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen — for foreign citizens);

4.1.2. document of education (certificate from the educational department or postgraduate department/diploma);

4.1.3. creative biography (resume) no more than 1000 characters;

4.1.4. for students – a letter of recommendation from the teacher. The letter must be written in the form of a special recommendation of the candidate to participate in the competition in Russian or English.

4.1.5. two color photographs of the candidate in digital format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, including a close-up photo suitable for placement in the booklet and on the official website;

4.1.6. link to the video. Video recording requirements: the video recording must be recorded no earlier than in May 2024, strictly on the same site, filmed from one place to one fixed camera without interruptions during the performance of one work and display the candidate in full growth, without editing.

The video must be presented as a web link (the contestants are solely responsible for the operability of the web links).

Turning off the camera between essays is not allowed. The performed works on the video must comply with the program requirements of the First round. The video recording quality is HD (resolution at least 1280x720). The program must be specified in the description of the video;

4.1.7. receipt with the bank's mark on the payment of the entrance fee.

5.1. The registration fee (hereinafter referred to as the fee) for participants of the International Competition is 2,500. 00 (two thousand five hundred) rubles. The fee is paid before submitting the package of documents by bank transfer using the following details:

Cultural Foundation of Russian Art "Classics of the XXI century"

Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 2373022184

Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP): 237301001

Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1222300053865

Account: 40703810730000001006

Krasnodar branch № 8619 PAO Sberbank

Russian Central Bank Identification Code (RCBIC): 040349602

Correspondent account (Corr.acc.): 30101810100000000602

INN: 7707083893

KPP: 231043001

Purpose of payment: Full name of the candidate/donation - Sveshnikov.

Example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich/donation – Sveshnikov.


tel. +7 000 000 00 00

5.2. Contestants who have received the invitation to participate in the second round of the competition and live in a country that has a visa regime with the Russian Federation must independently apply to the consulate of the Russian Federation for a visa. The competition Management undertakes to provide all necessary invitations, but is not responsible for obtaining a visa and the associated costs.

6.1. Category "I":

Grand Prix - 300,000 rubles;

1st prize - 100,000 rubles, the title of the first degree Laureate and a gold medal;

2nd prize — 80,000 rubles, the title of the II degree Laureate and a silver medal;

3rd prize — 70,000 rubles, the title of Laureate of the III degree and a bronze medal;

4th prize — 40,000 rubles, the title of Diploma Holder of the first degree;

Special Award "For convincing performance of a choral composition on the grand piano" —

15,000 rubles and a diploma;

Special prize "For the artistic embodiment of the processing of a folk song by Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov" — 15,000 rubles and a diploma;

Special award "Creative recognition from the choral group" - 5,000 rubles and a diploma.

6.2. Category "II":

Grand Prix - 500,000 rubles;

1st prize - 120,000 rubles, the title of the first degree Laureate and a gold medal;

2nd prize — 100,000 rubles, the title of the II degree Laureate and a silver medal;

3rd prize — 90,000 rubles, the title of Laureate of the III degree and a bronze medal;

4th prize — 60,000 rubles, the title of Diploma Holder of the first degree;

Special Award "For convincing performance of a choral composition on the grand piano" —

15,000 rubles and a diploma;

Special prize "For the artistic embodiment of the processing of a folk song by Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov" — 15,000 rubles and a diploma;

Special award "Creative recognition from the choral group" - 5,000 rubles and a diploma.

6.3. Special prizes - performances in the 2024-2025, 2025-2026 seasons with leading choirs of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Prizes are paid in rubles at the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment, by transfer to the contestant's bank account within 15 working days.

6.5. Depending on the results achieved and within the established number of prizes, the jury of the competition has the right to:

6.5.1. not to give all awards;

6.5.2. divide the prizes between the contestants.

6.6. The decisions of the competition jury are final and are not subject to revision.

In agreement with the organizing committee, it is possible to establish special and additional awards by other state, commercial, public or creative organizations, both Russian and foreign. Such awards must be agreed with the organizing committee no later than the start date of the competition.

7.1. The contestants invited to the second round of the competition are provided with accommodation and meals in a hotel (double accommodation not lower than the four-star category) from the date indicated in the invitation until the end date of the contestants' participation in the competition.

7.2. The finalists of the competition take part in the gala concert of the competition free of charge.

7.3. All rounds of the competition can be broadcasted live on the official website, in the communities of social networks, television broadcasts and recorded for subsequent broadcasts and publications on audio and video media. The contest will be available for viewing on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

7.4. The Competition Directorate has the exclusive rights to broadcast, audio and video recordings of the competition and the final concert of the laureates, as well as to further use of these materials.

7.5. By submitting an application for participation in an International Competition, the contestant confirms his consent to the use by the competition directorate of the materials specified in clause 7.3 of the Regulations. The management of the competition does not bear any financial obligations to the contestants for the use of the materials received.

7.6. The Competition Directorate does not provide the contestants and their accompanying persons with any types of insurance.

7.7. The application is served as the evidence that the participant of the competition fully accepts and undertakes to comply with the conditions set out in this Regulation.

7.8. The jury of the competition is formed from among the prominent figures of the world musical culture and is approved by the organizing committee.

7.9. The jury of the competition in its work is guided by the regulations on the jury of the competition, approved by the organizing committee.

7.10. The members of the jury evaluate the performances of the participants according to four criteria. The performance of each contestant is evaluated on a 100-point scale. The maximum number of points for each criterion is 25.

7.11. The points of the participants are published at the end of each round in the final protocol.

7.12. All information posted on the official website is correct at the time of publication. In case of disagreement in the reading of the texts and conditions between the Russian and English versions, preference is given to the Russian version.

7.13. All participants who have received an official invitation to participate in the second round are required to participate in registration and drawing according to the approved Schedule of the Competition. Failure to register and draw for an International Competition may serve as a refusal to participate in the competition.

7.14. Refusal to participate after receiving an official invitation is accepted only in writing to the official mail of the competition . A subsequent withdrawal of the refusal to participate is not possible.

7.15. If a participant has passed the video selection and received an official invitation to participate in the second round of the competition and subsequently sent an official refusal to participate, then by the decision of the Chairman of the jury, a vote on admission to participate in the second round of the participant who was the first "under the line" among the participants who did not pass the II the tour. This decision is made by the jury members by a simple majority vote.

7.16. Substitution in the order of the draw is allowed only for valid reasons with the permission of the Directorate of the International Competition and on the basis of written statements from the participants of the Competition.

Category "I":

8.1. The first round.

Each contestant presents conducting two works for unaccompanied choir accompanied by piano: the first work is from the works of composers of the second half of the XIX, XX centuries (at the participant's choice); the second work is a folk song arranged by A.V. Sveshnikov (also at the participant's choice).

8.2 II тур.

8.2. The second round. The second round consists of two stages:

8.2.1. playing the score by heart at the choice of the participant from the proposed list:

  1. Sergey Taneev, poems by Alexey Khomyakov, "Zvezdy", Op.15, from the cycle 2 of the a cappella choir
  2. Vissarion Shebalin, Maxim Tank's poems translated by Mikhail Isakovsky, "Mat' poslala k synu dumy"
  3. Maurice Ravel, "Nicolette", from the cycle "Three songs for a cappella choir"

8.2.2. open rehearsal with the choir of students of the Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov.

List of works for working with the choir (arrangements of folk songs by A.V. Sveshnikov)

  1. «Ah ty, zimushka-zima»
  2. «Belaya cheryomuha»
  3. «Na lodke»
  4. «Kak po moryu»
  5. «Misyac' na nebi»
  6. «Pozarastali styozhki-dorozhki»
  7. «Tonkaya ryabina»
  8. «Beleet parus odinokij»
  9. «Volga»
  10. «Ty, dubravushka»
  11. «To ne veter vetku klonit»
  12. «Kak na dube na vysokom»
  13. «Zapovit»
  14. «Ural'skaya ryabinushka»
  15. «Doma l' vorobej»
  16. «Belolica, kruglolica»
  17. «Dorozhen'ka»
  18. «Svetil svetel mesyac»

8.3 The third round is an internal stage.

An open rehearsal with the Philharmonic Choral Chapel "Yaroslavia" of the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic named after L.V. Sobinov.

List of works to work with the choir:

  1. Mikhail Glinka, «Venecianskaya noch», words by I.Kozlov, arranged for M. Balakirev choir
  2. Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "Ne kukushechka vo syrom boru", words by N.Tsyganov, from the cycle "Three a cappella choirs"
  3. Sergey Taneev, “Vecher” from the cycle "12 choirs on poems by Yakov Polonsky"
  4. Vadim Salmanov, "Tishina" from the cycle "Six poems on poems by N. Hikmet"
  5. George Sviridov, «Kak pesnya rodilas'», the words by S. Orlov, No4 from the cycle «Singing Choirs on poems of Russian Poets»
  6. Rostislav Boyko, "Poslanie" from the cycle "Ten choirs on poems of A. Pushkin"
  7. Rodion Shchedrin, "Pervyj lyod" No 2 from the cycle "Four choirs on poems of A. Voznesensky"
  8. Alfred Schnittke, "Otche nash", No. 3 from the cycle "Three Spiritual Choirs"
  9. Valery Kikta, "Gorevali ryabiny" the words by V. Tatarinov

8.4. The fourth round.

Concert performance of the composition of the III tour with the Philharmonic Choral Chapel "Yaroslavia" of the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic named after L.V. Sobinov.

Category "II":

8.5. The first round.

Each contestant presents conducting two works for unaccompanied choir accompanied by piano: the first work is from the works of composers of the second half of the XIX, XX centuries (at the participant's choice); the second work is a folk song arranged by A.V. Sveshnikov (also at the participant's choice).

8.6 II тур.

8.2. The second round. The second round consists of two stages:

8.6.1. playing the score by heart (at the participant's choice).

The contestants perform one prepared piece from the proposed list:

  1. Viktor Kalinnikov, «Nam zvezdy krotkie siyali», the words by A. Pleshcheyev
  2. Maurice Ravel, «Rondo», from «Three Songs for a Choir a Cappella»
  3. Nikolay Sedynikov, “Poslednij plach garmoshki“ , from the cantata «Sokrovennye razgovory»

8.6.2. public rehearsal with the Philharmonic Choral Chapel "Yaroslavia" of the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic named after L.V. Sobinov.

List of works for working with the choir (arrangements of folk songs by A.V. Sveshnikov)

  1. «Ah ty, step' shirokaya»
  2. «Vniz po matushke po Volge»
  3. «Iz-pod duba»
  4. «Chernichen'ka»
  5. «Uzh ty, sad»
  6. «Gibel' Varyaga»
  7. «Kak pojdu ya na bystruyu rechku»
  8. «Ekh ty, Vanya»
  9. «Oj, vse kumushki domoj»
  10. «Oj, ne vechor, to li ne vechor»
  11. «Kolechko» 
  12. «Из-под камушка»
  13. «Uznik»
  14. «Urodilasya Dunyasha»
  15. «Chas da po chasu»
  16. «V tyomnom lese»
  17. «Vo kuznice»
  18. «Gory Vorob'yovskie»


8.7. The third round.

An open rehearsal with the choir of the State Academic Symphony Chapel of Russia.

List of works to work with the choir:

  1. Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, «Tatarskij polon»
  2. Sergey Taneev, «Na mogile», No 1 from the cycle «Twelve Choirs on poems of J. Polonsky»
  3. Виктор Калинников, «Осень», слова А.Пушкина
  4. Boris Lyatoshinsky, «U kamina», No 1 from the cycle «Four Choirs on the words by A. Fet»
  5. Sergey Rachmaninov, «Pantelej celitel'», words by A. Tolstoy
  6. Пётр Чайковский, Литургия Св.Иоанна Златоуста, №13 «Отче наш»
  7. Николай Сидельников, Духовный концерт в 4-х частях, 2 часть — «Из канона покаянного»
  8. Nikolai Sedyannikov, «Razbojnaya pesnya», No 3 from the cantata «Sokrovennye razgovory»
  9. Rodion Shchedrin, «Blazhen, kto smolodu», No 6 from stanzas «Eugene Onegin»
  10. Alfred Schnitke, «Kuda b ni shel, ni ekhal ty», the words by M. Isakovsky
  11. Альфред Шнитке, Стихи покаянные», №4 «Душе моя»

8.8 The IV round.

Concert performance of the composition of the third round with the choir of the State Academic Symphony Chapel of Russia.


Liu Mei


choirmaster, artistic director and chief conductor of the Shenzhen «Golden Bell» Youth Choir, Director of the Chinese Branch of the World Association of Youth and Children's Choirs, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Children's Choirs of China, Vice President of the Guangdong Province Choirs Association, Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Choral Association, winner of the national Award of China "Best Teacher"

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